Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fractured Femur

On June 1, Cole and I attended a birthday party for a little boy in Cole's class. The party was at a bouncy house (jumper, astro jump)place. 45 min. into play time, Cole falls down next to me crying. He was the only one in the bouncy house that was moving. Long story short, he fractured his femur. A cast was put on for 5 1/2 weeks, a cast meant for crawling only. That was removed and the x-ray revealed that the bone had not healed. So we were told that he would need to wear the new walking cast for 2 to 3 weeks. Almost 3 weeks later (that would be today), the cast was removed and another x-ray was done. Still not 100% healed. So now he is in a new walking cast for 3 more weeks. This one will be taken off a few days before his 3rd birthday.
Cole was the 3rd kid in the ER that weekend at our hospital with a broken bone from being in one of the bouncy house things. At Cole's dentist appt. his dentist said that he has seen so many kids come in with broken teeth or missing teeth from being in one of those bouncy houses.

May 2008

One of the pictures I had taken of Cole for Father's Day (for Dad and Grandpa).
Getting so big!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Cole is doing great. His MRI came back fine, still has enlarged ventricles but nothing to be worried about. Been given the OK to return in 2 years rather than one.
Cole is currently being tested at school to see what his areas of weakness and strength are, to see if and what he will qualify for in special ed. So far his teacher has told me that he is behind in some areas and well above average in other areas. He will still qualify for special ed and speech therapy when he turns 3. Still waiting to find out all of the results and will have all the results at his IEP meeting sometime in May. Not sure about occupational therapy, he should qualify.
School is going good for me, have had 2 tests so far and have done well. A's on both.
Trying to figure out a school plan for me so I can get this education done and get a nice paying career underway.
Otherwise, everything is going well here.
D, C, and C

Friday, March 21, 2008

Can you believe it?!

WOW, Cole is almost 2 yrs 1 month post op.
Time has really flown. I meant to post this last month but the whole MRI situation and him being sick kind of threw me off.
He is one tough little guy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Glasses

Cole's new glasses...his little gift from the dentist office yesterday. He did very well for his check-up. His next check-up is in mid June. Just want to keep an eye on his teeth due to the lack of enamel in areas and the overcrowding of teeth.
Happy Brushing, D, C, and C

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Just a quick post.
Not a whole lot to write about. He is doing well in school. Working on sensory issues in occupational therapy, he HATES the swing (vestibular issue), and has oral motor issues. He has really started to love taking baths.
In the next month to month and a half, he will be having a MRI, be seen by his dentist, eye doctor, neurologist, and neurosurgeon. Hopefully things will be quiet after that for a long while.
His IEP will be coming up in May so we will see what kind of special education services he will receive after that. I am currently enrolled in college, taking a course on special education and the legislation so that I can be on top of things for Cole and his special education....want to make sure he gets the right services that he needs.
Pfeiffer Syndrome, never thought that we would be faced with this as far as Chris having it. Any future children we have (if we decide to have any more), they have a 50% chance of having Pfeiffer Syndrome too. No one knows how mild or how severe the form can be in the next baby. Chris has a very mild form and Cole has a mild form. We love Cole and feel very blessed to have him, content with having just one child. The love for Cole is beyond words and beyond explanation.
Until next time, D, C, and C